10 Cara Berhenti Merokok Paling Efektif

Mungkin terdapat sesetengah orang diluar sana teringin untuk mengurangkan diri membeli dan menghisap rokok kerana memikirkan kesihatan diri, kerisauan ahli keluarga namun apakah daya, berhenti daripada merokok itu bukanlah perkara yang mudah dibuat!

Antara tips yang boleh diguna pakai ialah:

1. Lengahkan

Jika ada rasa mahu ‘pekena sebatang’ lengahkan. Lewatkan 10 minit. Buatlah perkara lain dulu. Minum kopi atau buat apa saja yang boleh mengalihkan perhatian. Ulang sebanyak mungkin bila tiba rasa nak merokok.

2. Tolak Konsep ‘Cukuplah Sebatang’

Jangan terperdaya dengan ‘cukuplah sebatang’. Tak payah hisap langsung jika sudah ada keinginan nak berhenti merokok. Ini kerana sebatang rokok akan menyebabkan rokok dihisap habis sekotak.

3. Elakkan Punca Merokok

Kenali apa punca merokok. Contohnya sebab nak setaraf dengan kawan-kawan, elakkan stress, duduk melepak atau berkumpul dengan kawan-kawan. Cuba sebaik mungkin untuk terlibat dengan punca-punca merokok ini. Jika ramai kawan-kawan yang merokok. Elakkan untuk lepak bersama. Atau pindah tempat melepak ke tempat yang dilarang merokok. Contohnya dalam masjid.

4. Bersenam

Ya cara berhenti merokok nie sangat membantu menghilangkan ketagihan merokok. Adakan rutin 30 minit senaman setiap hari. Jika tersangkut di pejabat. Lakukan senaman ringan seperti push up, lari-lari anak atau buat solat sunat dan jika ada masa lagi bacalah Al-Quran. Dan berdoa minta Allah kuatkan semangat untuk tak menjamah rokok.

5. Belajar Untuk Relax

Stress adalah satu penyebab paling popular kenapa merokok. Jadi cubalah menjadi seorang yang lebih cool. Dan lebih bijak dalam berdepan dengan stress. Contoh paling baik, ambillah air sembahyang. Atau buat teknik deep breathing (2 saat tarik nafas- 4 saat tahan- 8 saat hembus nafas keluar). Atau bayangkanlah sesuatu yang membuatkan korang rasa sejuk.

6. Libatkan Keluarga Dan Rakan-Rakan

Beritahu ahli keluarga dan kawan-kawan bahawa korang mahu berhenti merokok. Jadi bila timbul keinganan nak merokok. Beritahu mereka. Dan sudah pasti mereka akan ingatkan kembali niat murni korang yang dah tak nak merokok. Paling baik, beritahu pada isteri. Sudah pasti dia akan menyokong 100% keputusan itu.

7. Ingatlah Kebaikan Tak Merokok

Buat senarai atau sebutkan kebaikan-kebaikan yang korang dapat jika tak merokok. Sebagai contoh, isteri makin sayang. Anak-anak bertambah sihat. Korang makin awet muda. Nafas dah berbau harum, jadi jika belum kahwin mudah sikit nak bertemu jodoh. Apa saja yang menambahkan semangat untuk tak merokok lagi.

8- Go Online

Rajinkan diri mencari inspirasi kisah-kisah mereka yang dah berjaya tak merokok. Ketahui dan belajar bagaimana cara mereka berhenti merokok, bertarung dengan keinginan nak merokok. Brader, you are not alone.

9- Menguyah

Jika rasa nak merokok, kunyah adalah cara berhenti merokok yang paling simple. Cari bahan kuyahan yang sihat. Kacang atau gula-gula getah yang kurang gula.

10- Guna Alat Bantuan

Banyak yang ada dipasaran. Nikotin tablet, patches, gula-gula getah bagi memenuhi keperluan nikotin yang menggila. Dan tak mahu dah hisap rokok. Bau rokok nie busuk, rasa pahit dan rasa mencucuk-cucuk masa menghisap rokok. Sampai 2, 3 pam pun takkan lalu.

Pendedahan Mengenai Wanita Berpantang Selepas Bersalin.

Untuk pegetahuan yang lebih jelas, ‘berpantang’ ini merupakan satu tempoh waktu yang dimana wanita menganggap waktu mereka yang membosankan selepas mereka bersalin. Mereka perlu menyelesaikan tempoh berpantang 44 hari selesai. Mereka merasakan bahawa tempoh ini seperti berbulan-bulan lamanya kerana hari-hari tersebut bukanlah seperti hari-hari biasa mereka. Segala gerak-geri orang yang berpantang pula perlu diijaga dengan rapi, makan minum dan cara duduk juga diikut dengan cara tertentu.

Jika ada melanggar pantang, takut bentan dan berkemungkinan gejala lain juga akan timbul, samada waktu sekarang ataupun masa tua kelak.

[Bentan – menjaga keadaan diri dari terlanggar apa-apa / mengangkat berat – jika ada bengkak, berkemungkinan lambat sembuh]

Namun, berpantang ini sebenarnya bagus kerana dia membantu kita untuk mengekalkan badan yang sihat dan boleh juga membantu merasakan diri kita ni sebagai anak dara kembali.

“Kebanyakan wanita moden ini masih mengutamakan cara perubatan tradisional serta petua bagi mengjaga kesihatan ketika berpantang”

Tambahan, amalan perubatan tradisional ini biasanya dilakukan dengan bimbingan orang-orang terdahulu atau ibu-ibu atau saudara-saudara yang lebih tua kerana golongan muda kurang arif mengenai teknik rawatan dan ramuan-ramuan yang betul.

Tambahan, sebaiknya si ibu ini sudah boleh berurut selepas tiga hari bersalin kerana berurut ini amalan yang sangat penting. Ia boleh dilakukan pada setiap pagi selepas mandi.

Tujuan Berurut

  • Melancarkan Peredaran Darah
  • Awet Muda
  • Membuang Angin
  • Membetulkan Urat
  • Menenangkan Fikiran
  • Menyihatkan Badan

Tambahan Info:

  • Boleh dilakukan berurut ini selama tiga atau tujuh hari berturut-turut
  • Selepas pantang, badan perlu diurut sekurang-kurangnya sekali sebulan.
  • Mandi air rebusan daun – setiap daun ada khasiat tersendiri.

Kenapa Mandi Air Rebusan Daun?

  • Dapat mengeluarkan angin daripada badan, mengendurkan otot, menghaluskan kulit dan untuk awet muda.
  • Cara mandian juga perlu dituruti;
  • Memulakan mandian dengan menjirus ibu jari kaki kanan ambil digosok perlahan-lahan.
  • Ratakan hingga ke pinggang dan ibu jari kaki – supaya urat tidak tersentak apabila terkena air.
  • Selesai kaki kiri, ulangi pada kaki kanan, jirus hingga ke bahu.
  • Akhir sekali, perlahan-lahan jirus kepala dan selepas itu barulah mandi keseluruhan badan sepuas-puasnya – tidak perlu dibilas dengan air biasa.

Amalan bertungku juga jangalah dilupakan masa berpantang, cara dia cukup sama seperti mengurut dan digalakkan lakukan selam sejam sebelum atau selepas mengurut. Hal ini perlu dilakukan bagi mengecutkan urat yang kembang selepas bersalin dan memperbetulkan serta melanncarkan perjalanan darah. Pakai apa? Bertungku ini boleh dilakukan menggunakan batu sungai kerana kesan bertungku bukan kerana berat batu tapi tahap kepanasannya yang dapat meresap hingga ke dalam.

Walaubagaimanapun, ramai juga tidak tahu akan penggunaan pilis. Pilis ini digunakan untuk panas di kepala serta menghindarkan daripada terasa pening kepala.
Bagi wanita yang berpantang selepas bersalin ini juga diingatkan bahawa mereka perlu berpantang makan juga, dengan makan makanan yang dapat memanaskan badansepet halia, lada hitam dan rempah-rempah. Perlu diingatkan untuk mengelak daripada makan makanan sejuk seperti pucuk ubi, kekacang, pucuk paku, kangkung, timun dan sebagainya. Hindari juga makanan tajam dan berbisa.
Jadi, pantang makan, pantang mandi, pantang apa lagi? Ye, kamu kena berpantang menjaga perasaan juga, perlulah kawal perasaan jangan bersedih atau berasa tertekan agar kepala tidak masuk angin dan rambut perlu diikat ketat dan tegang.

Cara duduk juga perlu dititik beratkan juga, jadi, wanita yang berpantang perlu lah duduk bersimpuh untuk menjaga tulang punggung supaya tidak kembang.
Sekian untuk info mengenai si ibu yang berpantang, jadi sekiranya ada sebarang pertanyaan / tambahan info, kamu boleh komen di kotak komen di bawah ye. Terima kasih.

How Much Sleep Actually We Need Based On Our Age

Not going to deny it but mostly of us less respecting our sleep cycles that can actually give us truly health benefits. Usually people only assumed that within 7-8 hours is more than enough but somehow, it is not always on the case.

As you have been knowledge, ‘sleep’ is actually an integral part of our lives. There’s nothing actually better than going to bed, get our body and mind rest after a long day.

However, how many hours do we inquired to get a good night’s sleep?

Well, no worries, on the bright side, I will share to you on how much the quantity and sleep hours your body need based on how old you are.

Effect on lacking of sleep:

  • Exhaustion
  • Depression
  • Changes in hormone function
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Visual impairment
  • Diabetes
  • Weight Gain
  • Circle under the eyes
  • Bad complexion
  • Lack of concentration

Age affects the body condition to hibernate and function:

  • 0-3 months: 14-17 hours
  • 4-11 months: 12-15 hours
  • 1-2 years: 11-14 hours
  • 3-5 years: 10-13 hours
  • 6-13 years: 9-11 hours
  • 14-17 years: 8-10 hours
  • 18-25 years: 7-9 hours
  • 26-64 years: 7-9 hours
  • 65+ years: 7-8 hours

Basically, we can actually see the pattern on the hypothesis, “the older a person is, the less amount of sleep recovery”

We can’t deny on the fact that babies that age up to 3 months old do require the most amunt of sleep and children under 18 years old should sleep more than 8 hours per night. Nevertheless, the amount hours required to sleep will decrease significantly and changes only after reaches 65 years old. But hey, don’t forget the each person do has their own individual needs which may change these numbers.

Sleep improvement is totally a must-to-be-done as you need to pay close attention to the quality and duration of sleep you are getting. Remember, bad quality sleep leads to deterioration of health. You may follow some of my tips on helping you to get enough sleep and refreshed on the next day:

  • Keep your days and night separate- remember people supposedly should stay awake on the day and have their beauty sleep at night. This is a scheme and if you break the scheme, you are likely to be the one who will have problems in sleeping at night.
  • Try to create the cozy and comfortable atmosphere for yourself – choose your best bed and bedding.
  • Get a sort walk in the fresh air – it somehow helps you fall asleep more quick than before.
  • Don’t ever try or make it less use on facing any kind of gadgets before you hit for the bed – just turn off all the electrical appliances and pause yourself from having one of them near yourself beforehand.

I guess, that’s it for today even though there are more tips on this today topic but surely getting enough sleep isn’t that complex. You may get through it and if you do, in return, you will be more cheerful and healthy.
But, I want to know how many hours all of you typically have for sleep? Tell me in the comments!

Plus, don’t forget to like my post if you like my content and don’t forget to share the knowledge with others too. Sharing is caring. Thank you

Don’t Ever Refuse Yourself from Going to Toilet When you need to do Urgent Business!

You feel like pooping but you refuse to go to toilet?

You prefer to hold your bowel movement when you can’t find toilet?

Well, it may sounds hilarious whenever we are talking or open any topics relating to our bowel movement problem but guess what, the problem we are talking about is not any simple problem, t is a serious health issue problem which may lead to another serious problem in your body system, do you realise that?

You may give hundred reasons on why you intend to choose to hold down on your bowel movement such as “I can’t find any toilet or any suitable places for me doing my business” especially when you are on the road in the middle of nowhere. I understand the situation though, I used to be in your place too.

But, you do realise that holding it down, might make your stomach ache and feel uneasy on down here too, especially when you take hours to settle down your ‘business’. This is one of upcoming lead to some health issue, be alert.

For a fact, I want to let you know that the moment when you try to hold your breath while holding your bowel movement too on the first hour, your stomach will hurt a bit and you will feel a bit pushy over there too – on the stomach. The feeling of them are exactly same like bloated stomach or stomach cramps. You may find it out more details on here.

And after holding it for a while, your stomach will stop the pain, you feel the pain is gone, your stomach is on ease, and those desire to go to the toilet, they will be gone!
You think it is a good thing? You sigh for a relief? Hey, don’t be. This is red sign alert.
You are in red zone on being constipation, dear.

“But why this happening to me? I only hold it for a few hours, not days!”

Don’t get upset dear. But to let you know, the more we old down the urge to go to the toilet and done our business thingy, the more faeces will be collected down there in your large intestine. The collective of faeces might bring a few pressure on digestive system and causes our stomach look bloated.

At the end of the day, you need to put more pressure in pushing the faeces out from your intestine and if you do it in the wrong pressure, you might hurt your anus in the meantime. Be careful!

Thus, don’t ever try to get a mind set to hold down your bowel movement even for a seconds because that seconds might turn to be million hours you getting sick when you are not supposed to. And don’t forget to cherish yourself with plenty of fibres/ nutrients and drink a lot of water too in a day.

Thank you for reading today topic. Thus, don’t forget to give a like on the like button, share to your friends and comment any additional information or suggestions in the comment box below.

What is Flea?

Fleas, it is a common thing we heard.

They can jump, go anywhere they wish for, travel from one head to another head and hide silently behind those strands of hairs.

Quick information, fleas can’t fly or jump without touching from one hair to another hair.

Their spreading can be something indirectly, such as it can occurred when there is ‘sharing happen’ between the humans on using the same comb of hair, caps, helmet, etc.

But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean the one who experience on having the fleas on their hairs means they are completely unhygienic people but these fleas can travel anywhere they want to without putting the concern on their tabs regarding on whose hairs the worse and whose hair do smell good.

However, on the case on the smelly fleas, they tend to love on the red and black stuff. They are one of the disturbance insects which they will stick on humans and causes them to have itchy body until end with the result of an allergies.

There is one investigation that had been held for these smelly fleas to figure out more on their identity and characteristic. The investigation goes with the scientist put all of these smelly fleas into this one glass.
Inside of the glass, there is one paper with different colours in between of them.

Thank you for reading. You may like the post and comment on the comment box below. Don’t forget to share too!

Clearly, Not Older People Have Grey Hair, Our Children Do Have Them Too

“Oh my God, I’ve grey hair on this side! I’m getting old” cried, a teenager girl who age 15 years old.

Don’t get easily panic when you see one of your hair is turning white in this such young age. Grey hair doesn’t synonym to aging either. It can be shocking moments towards the parents too, especially when they see their children turning grey hair when they still see their children as their small babies.

Instead of screaming and blaming the hair conditioner, hair shampoo and stress factor, how about we try to chill down and find out the actual truth behind of these early presence of grey / white hairs on our children head.

First of all, the presence of grey / white hairs are due to the lack of melanin in our body system. Melanin is a pigment which give the colour to our skin and also hair.
The moment when the production of melanin is getting low in the meantime, thus, the hair also will start to change its colour to the dusty white and finally with the white colour.

Yes, this type of condition only available and logical for the older people who are aging but tell you what, you are partially wrong, it can happen in the early age of you and your children too.

These are some of true based fact on the reasons these grey/white hair keep happening:

Genetic is something you can’t say “stop doing this to me”, but you literally just can’t stop the genetic from doing its job though. It is strong fact that it is the big causes on the changes of the colour of the hairs from your natural hair colour into grey / white hairs.

If there is one or a few family members of yours went through the fast process off hair colour changes, thus there will be no doubt on the fast changes on their next future generation and there will be some high possibility on them having this same process as their late ancestors compare to the other normal kids out there.

Lack of Vitamin B12
This vitamin is important on keeping the healthy nails, skin, hair and the production of DNA and RNA in our body system. Thus, you want it or not, you need to consume this vitamin B12 for a healthy body. You may get it from the food; fish, shells, meat & dairy products.

Have Certain Diseases
You might need to think back and reconsider on your health status whether you are healthy in any ways or you might have some unidentified diseases in you. Because there is absolute one of the reasons if you do get the white hair colour in such young age too.

The related diseases are; Vitiligo, Graves Disease, Waardenburg Tuberous Syndrome, Sclerosis, and Neurofibromtois.

Involve with the Dangerous Chemical
This one do affect as the outsider involvement towards us. The usage on the certain product like hair conditioner, hair repairer or the smoke from cigarette itself might be the effect on the presence of early white hair. This chemical product do make our hair turn to hard, rough, dry and finally it ruin the hair. And not to forget, after you have your hair totally ruin up, you will end up with the few dots of white / grey hairs.

That’s all information for today, so don’t forget to give a like and share this knowledge to your friends. Leave a comment if you have additional info and suggestions for today topic. Thank you!

Birth Sequences Does Give Effects On Who I Am In My Life?

Do you ever realise that the sequence of children do have impacts on their behaviour in life?

First Child, Second Child and Last Child, all of them are only the temporary nickname given in the family as the birth sequences of family members.

But, on the truth of it, based on the psychological research, it do said that it give huge impacts to the sequences of birth children to all aspects, especially on their psychological behaviour and the way of nature thinking about life.

However, there are still certain characteristic doesn’t affect that much on regarding the birth sequences, because sometimes they might changes within the their growth and environment too.

Let me elaborate on these First Child, Second Child, Last Child and the Only Child nature characteristic:

First Child
Totally a nature born to be a leader in the family. These children will tend to lead the family, be perfectionist, more trustworthy, and always going to be the centre of attention of people and a helper to the family.

In any kind of situation, they might good in controlling their own reaction especially in nerve-wrecking situation and not acting aggressively without no reason. Why? Because they are born to be the calm nature children. If they easily get startled on any kind of situation, they can’t lead the situation very well and perhaps the leadership might be not their titles anymore.
However, although they might sounds perfectionist as a child in the family, deep down in their wn self, they have their own strong desire on doing their own things using their own ways and also they hoping the people around them do understand on them too.

Second Child
Well, people always assume this second children is always be the one that is hardly to be shaped on as they are totally opposite character compare to their other siblings. And, they always put this second child similar on their elder brothers / elder sisters compare to the Youngers one.

Frankly, these second children tend to hidden theirs true self including their own thinking and feelings from others. They are not that open when comes to emotions’ sessions. They are really strong in heart and mind people.

There are truly nothing to worry about towards these second children actually, as they don’t have any problems to dwell with their older and younger siblings, friends with same age range and funny to say this, but, sometimes they can be like a mind reader people and tend to love something peaceful.

Last Child
These last child… they are totally ted to be like the children who are friendly and very tender towards others.

They actually don’t even care about their own surroundings and worry much about financial stuff, because they do still have their older siblings as their ‘bank’ to help them in the future but the most importantly, the freedom and happiness, are totally their most important things they need in their life.

Yes, these last child are gorgeous but don’t forget, they love to be pampered by the family members because they can be quite manipulative and they are spoiled children to begin with!

Only Child
Frankly, they can be quite similar like the first child or in the other words, 3 times characters of the first children, since they are totally independent.

They tend to be need more perfectionist people, more responsibility on their shoulders and the god thing here is they are easily to get adapt to the older age range as they way of thinking are more mature than other children.

Thus, after you have read this, don’t forget to share to your friends and family members too and if you have any suggestions / additional info to be add to my article, you may comment in the comment box below. Thank you!

When should I drink? Before or After Meals?

It is a common knowledge that we need to drink at least 8 glasses of water per as it is truly essential for the body to function efficiently but have you wonder the correct time to drink the water?

Many people assume that we can’t drink any kind of water before and after eating due to some health effect reasons. Is it a truth?

Frankly yes, that’s the truth.

Based on this research article, it shows that sipping a little water during meals is not a big concern but having a drink on a glass or two drinks may interfere with the digestion. Thus it is best to drink it before you eat and two hours after the meals, for good absorption of nutrients.

Drink Before Meals?
You can’t simply thinking you drink a glass of water and immediately you may proceed by consuming on your meal won’t bring any effect on you when honestly it actually does. True, it is the best for us to get our body fluid before meal but make sure you drink on one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal. It do helps in digestion system. Not just that, drinking a lot while eating can make you bloated and you can’t fill the food in your stomach anymore, you will feel full – in bad way.

Remember, not to drink too soon before a meal.

However, some people believe that drink before eating may help them in losing their weight. You will wonder on what circumstances those help in science theory to lose my weight, let me tell you something. Based on the research, people who loaded themselves with water before all of those man three meals a day may lost an average of 9.48 pounds. This research finding you may see it has already been published in the journal Obesity.

“The beauty of these findings is in the simplicity. Just drinking a pint of water, three times a day, before your main meals may help reduce your weight.”
-Dr Helen Paretti, one of study author.

The result of undigested food leaks into your system and it will get absorbed through the stomach wall. This will lead to acid reflux and heart burn.

Digestion Process Time
Well, believe or not, we all need particular time to finish one job, same goes to our body system. It require at least 2 hours for a complete digestive cycle as soon as after we consumed the food. The food will go straight from mouth to the stomach and then finally goes to the intestine part, and after digestion process done, it will turn out as the poo when human excrete.

However, nothing goes smooth if something wrong occurred, right? Hence, you need to be more concern on the part in which if we consume less nutrient in our daily intake food, it is also going to affect our digestive system and our nutrient absorption process in our body.

Have you ever experience before on the part where “I already eat about an hour ago but I’m still hungry and my stomach makes some noise.”?

Well, I’m sure you do!

Lack of nutrient actually is the one of the factors on why you are intended to consume plenty of food at one time and end up with overweight issues.

Overall, I’m just going to say don’t consume too much or too little on water but instead have an accurate daily amount of water in your daily intake. Remember again, drink 30 minutes before consuming the food and 30 minutes after you had your meal.

21 Ways to Increase His Love Attention More On You

For this new post, I would like to put some pressure on the topic, how to attract our husband’s heart. I received some comments regarding people kept complaining that their husbands / boyfriends are acting weird and they don’t feel their partners love them as much as how they love their partners. They felt the change vibe from the usual. Thus, I want to give a quick tips on that. You may refer to the special love counsellor if you need more reassurance and solid opinions regarding on today tips.

How to Get Love Attention from Him?
Before I start writing down those long list of today tips, I would like to remind you that it is all based on my opinions / suggestions / friend’s experience and I collect some of them from the motivators’ out there. There are also a few of approval from the marriage couples too, in which they said they did practiced all of those love tips in their daily marriage life and they are totally delightful with each other’s presence.

  1. Always pray to God for endless love from your partner. Love comes from God and believe me, only Him can control human emotions from happy to sad, sad to happy. Pray is the best solution out top of other tips.
  2. When your partner come home from work, stop doing anything that you are doing and go reach for him at the house door. Try to communicate by get some small talk with him. And not to forget, include together with skin-ship so that your partner feel assure with you after those tiring works at the workplace.
  3. Show your interest and caring towards him by asking how his days / his feelings / any kind of good previous and upcoming events. Alert: Only ask them when they are in the calm, comfortable and good mood. But if he ask you to let him be alone for a while, do that! Try to respect him by doing so.
  4. Practice your ear to listen and give him your full attention towards everything he says. Don’t excessively asking him with something unnecessary either.
  5. Whenever your partner come to you with load of problems, try to understand him and be sympathize on him. If he needs empathy from you, give them. However, don’t get yourself rushing to give quick solutions if he refuse to hear one from you. Sometimes, man only need someone close to him for him to express his emotions and problems without asking solutions for them.
  6. Give at least 30 minutes for him, to have his own quality time, so he can do whatever he wants, include watching football games or do his favourite hobbies.
  7. If you want to give him present for his birthday and special occasion, you may ask around the people who know him very well – his parents, his siblings and friends.
  8. Not only girls love attention from her man whenever they are sulking. Thus, you may give same treatment towards your guy partner when he goes mad or sulk over you. Give and take. Be equal.
  9. Sometimes, guy loves to get compliment. Once in a while, go to him and compliment everything you see on him; “you looks very handsome today”, “I love your shirt”, “I love your new hairstyle.” It never going to cost you any cents when you do compliment on your partner.
  10. Whenever you makes your partner get mad, immediately comfort and apologize towards him. Believe me, he will cool down towards his anger faster than you think, if you do follow this particular tips. Well, everyone makes mistakes and don’t let your ego ruin the relationship.
  11. You may ask some help from your man but try to read the situation first before you do so. If you are asking for money during his financial problem, he might can’t do anything towards them. Thus, you need to understand his circumstance because tell you what, life these days are totally unpredictable. Everything we do mostly include with money and stuff.
  12. Yes, whenever come to dress up before going out, girls are always late. Everybody knows that. Plus, the girls absolutely do need extra hour to do her makeup and look good but you know what, it will never hurt for you girls to try shorten your time for the sake of their man because men dislikes waiting her girl for too long.
  13. When your partner inform you regarding on his late to come home that night, just say “thank you for telling me” instead get mad on him. He must have his own reasons and you should be grateful he willing to inform you because sometimes some men refuse to be the good partner by telling his where-about. They just hoping their wife come to understand them after they explain at home.
  14. If your husband ask for a quick help from you, don’t refuse one. Do it immediately, with sincerity. He has capability to do his things by his own but sometimes they have this one side which they loves to ask people around him to pamper him once in a while.
  15. Take your time, at least 2 times a day, try to say romantic words towards him, “I love you”. Trust me, he needs those words too.
  16. You get mad at him and you feel like you want to scold on him? WAIT. Don’t start the fire. Try to cool down yourself and after you doing so, face your husband and tell him what makes you mad towards him. Share your mind together him with soft spoken tone and choose your words wisely. Most importantly, try to not being sarcasm too.
  17. Sometimes we are so busy until we forget some groceries and house needs, thus we do ask our husband to go out to the nearby store to buy house groceries. First, don’t order him around with words. He might forget about it because he don’t get familiar with certain ‘cooking term’, vegetables name, etc. you know what I meant, right? Thus, be clever, write down the grocery lists for him on a piece of paper so he won’t get himself trouble to go back and forth for just for this one particular ‘forget to buy’ thing.
  18. Be caring, ask if he needs rest and hit to bed, show that you understand him being exhausted with him working the whole day.
  19. Different people have different opinions. You like it or not, you need to respect others’ opinions so you won’t look rude in other people eyes. Thus, you absolutely should respect your husband’s opinions before anything else. However, if you do think his opinions totally against with yours, try to have slow talk with him.
  20. During your free time with your beloved husband, try to create activities that both of you enjoy the most; get yourself a special date with your partner and help him with car wash, haircut and pamper him more than you pamper on your children. Because he is a priority and the head of your family.
  21. Never force your husband to say ‘I Love You’ all the time, because sometimes he prefer to show his affections towards you on different ways and terms. Don’t underestimate his love towards you. Hence, understand him is always the best thing you can do for her because most husband become less talking with their wife. Sometimes they find comfortable enough to just sit down together with wife without less talking but more to the physical affection.

Make Your Own Natural Organic Homemade Soap

Let’s learn new things, on How to make soap from me who recently has a bit passion to make organic homemade soap.

Yes, it is very natural homemade soap which the process is quite simple, versatile and if I can do this, I bet my readers can do it much better than me!

Homemade soap really catch my attention after I found out that it do bring benefits on me and if I have nothing to do during my free time at home, I can make a few of them and sell it among my close friends.
Most of friends always ask me how to make this soap, thus, I have decide to create this new post and write one for my readers too.

My First Making of Homemade Soap
Before that, let me give you some stories on behind my first experience / batch of homemade soap. During my first attempt in making soap, it do turned out great but on my next and next trial, it was dismal failure. I was not very sure the causes of it. I keep questioning myself, what did I do wrong?
Honestly, I have no knowledge on this stuff. My mother suggested to me this one class which it is quite far from my home area but I was glad the price for a class do worth of my money, time and knowledge that I gained from there. I stick to the “no pain no gain”.

I had attended the class, the instructor was very nice towards the students, plus I felt proud to see the oldies people on the age range, 40 – 70 years old willing to come and attend the class too. Nevertheless, I am the youngest among all of the students.
After that particular class ended, I came back home with new spirit. I collected all of the ingredients and started to make the new fresh homemade soap by my own.

How to Make Soap?
Tell you what, making soap can turn out tobe simple and complicated, it is all depends on your hands. You may make it complicated as much as your complicated life too. But, do you know the beauty of learning how to make soap is? You can make your own soap with the ingredients that you choose and any fragrance that you prefer or like. Plus, the adjustments are not that hard either. You only need some practices over them because, “practice makes perfect”.

Most homemade soap recipes do use the ounces or grams and I used ounce. Not to forget, the ingredients must properly weighted to get the accurate result. In addition, you may use the cups according to its correct portion. I think it much easier for some people out there and no worries, you may still receive the same result time after time too.

Why Lye in Homemade Soap?
Lye is always the ‘must have’ thing in making the homemade soap and nothing can substitute over lye. Thus, you want it or not, you must use lye and make sure it is 100% sodium hydroxide (to make hard soap bar), potassium hydroxide (to make liquid soap) and it may be on the lye in the crystal form.

Quick reminder; don’t substitute with liquid lye or drain cleaners as it may cause some unnecessary things such inaccurate measurements or it may have bits of metal too in them. You refuse that to happen either.

You need to be aware on dangerous of lye, lye is caustic. Wear glove when you are making one, because it may burns on your skin and not to forget how powerful it is as it can eat holes in fabric too. Thus, you need to be extra careful. At least wear glove and eye protection, and a mask if it is do required.

When you mix lye with water, it will heat up and fume for about 30 seconds up to 1 minute. Not just that, it may cause uncomfortable sensation on your throat but don’t worry, it won’t last long either.

PRECAUTION: don’t mix it by pour water into lye, but instead, mix pour the lye into water. If not, it might become more reactive and explosive, you may harm yourself.

And, start to stir it right away too. If you do allowed lye to clump on the bottom, it might suddenly heat up and cause an explosion at once.

However, don’t worry, although lye is caustic and dangerous to work with but after it already reacts with the oils in the soap, which undergoes saponification process. There will be no left lye that will remain in your finished homemade soap.
However, if you refuse to use lye and you think it is for good sake for the children who want to join making the homemade soap altogether, I think you do have another alternative. Try check this out, can I make homemade soap without using lye?

Equipment for Making Homemade Soap
When comes to make this homemade soap, try to avoid from using the kitchen equipment using for the cooking. Although you said, “It will turn out okay because I will make sure the equipment clean and safe to be use too”… Don’t take a risk! It is best to not take those chances.

The good choices such as; stainless steel, tempered glass, enamel, they are all good to go for mixing bowl, but don’t use copper or aluminium as they might react with your lye and all plastic are prefer not to use either as it may melt.

The Additives that Can Be Use in Homemade Soap
Literally almost every additives that can be used in making one, but let me tell you the basic of them:

  • Herbs

It doesn’t matter what kind of herbs you used but ensure all the herbs are dried. Lavender is a good choice, because it popular, as well as chamomile. But my preference goes to lemongrass. You may use this by ¼ cup of dried plant material per batch.

  • Essential oils

It come from plants. They come from the roots, stem, flowers or seeds. Plus, fragrance oils can be blends together with essential oil as they can also artificially produced too. Just ensure you know on how drop you going to use. Most oils can be used at the rate of 15-20 drops / teaspoon per batch size.

  • Colour

Using the natural colour is much better and you may get the colour anywhere. Example, to get brown colour for soap, you may use cinnamon or cocoa powder, use chlorophyll for green colour soap, turmeric for yellow colour and beetroot for orange.

However, you must alert that sometimes the colour ingredient might change its colour on the end of the colour result and it can be seen through magenta beet powder that running yellowish orange. Someone do ask me if food colour can be used in colouring their soap. My answer will be, sorry, but I prefer you avoid from using them – food colour since they don’t dwell in soap. But no worries, you may still check out other way to colour you soap beautifully and by naturally.

Step By Step

  • Measure your water
  • Measure your lye
  • Slowly pour lye into water
  • Mix / Stir them well (it will heat up and warm) – until the water turned to clear.
  • Allow the mixture rest for a while
  • While waiting for that, prepare three oils – Olive oil, Coconut oil and Palm Oil.
  • Pour those 3 types of oils into the mixture.
  • Check the temperature of them, let it cool down a bit, not to hot, not to cold.
  • Stir a bit, by hand for 5 minutes – very important to make lye be in contact with those oils.
  • Pour into the chosen soap mould
  • Allow it rest again – depends on structure (pour during it still hot can cause your soap structure become coarse and crumbly). STOP resting timing when your soap turn into ‘pudding structure’ – cold and firm
  • Take it out from the mould, cut them into a few pieces.
  • At this point, allow the soap to cure for few weeks – 4 weeks at least, be sure to turn it over frequently to expose them to air equally for all sides.
  • You are done with your own homemade soap!

Well, what are you waiting for? I think it is good start for you to make one for your own good and family benefits. Much better, you sell them to others through social media and neighbours, you might get extra income too.

If you have any suggestions / something to add on / any comments, you may drop one below down. I will read it and allow my readers to read the comments too.
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