Tips to Make Your Liver Healthier and More Years Younger

The liver, the organ that is located only in vertebrates, detoxifies different metabolites, synthesize proteins and produce biochemicals necessary for digestion.

In humans, located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm.

It has roles in the metabolism include regulation of glycogen storage, the dissolution of red blood cells and the production of hormones.

Different functions of the liver are performed by the liver cells or hepatocytes.

The liver, the organ that is located only in vertebrates, detoxifies different metabolites, synthesize proteins and produce biochemicals necessary for digestion.

Some functions can be performed by dialysis of the liver, experimental treatment for liver failure. The liver also accounts for about 20% of the total body weight oxygen consumption.

Negative forms of behavior and poor maintenance will affect the organs of the body, including the liver.

Liver capacity may be difficult and it needs to be recovered. Hurry good food and wipe away destructive agents.

The accompanying refreshment has many advantages, and some of them are – recovered liver, clean body, established resistance, detoxication, predict contamination and irritation, anti-tumor, cellular reinforcement, improved digestion, reduced cholesterol and glucose, and the effects affect the skin.


Required ingredients :

  • Cucumber;
  • Bunch of parsley;
  • 200ml of water
  • Two lemons


  1. Put all ingredients in the blender and make a pleasant drink.
  2. Drink it one month: one – two times a day.
  3. You need to take a break of about fourteen days.
  4. Repeat treatment after a break.

10 Foods that can Help You Get Pregnant!

Simple things, including your diet, can affect your fertility. You should know what to eat in order for you to conceive faster. Here are the top 10 foods that you should consume if you want to get pregnant sooner rather than later:

1. Chicken Broth:

Having the old-fashioned chicken soup can help you conceive faster.

However, don’t just go for any kind of chicken broth; instead choose the one that is made with bones.

You can also add a splash of vinegar, which can aid the nutrients from the bones to come out and stay in the broth.

2. Fermented Cod Liver Oil:

Since you want to get pregnant, you are probably taking a lot of supplements in hopes of getting pregnant fast.

However, it is much better to just take this supplement, which contains a lot of nutrients, including vitamin D.

3. Grass-Fed Meat:

Just like with liver, you should only consume meat whose source is grass-fed. Since the animals have a natural diet, they are healthier than cheaper and regular beef.

4. Green, Leafy Vegetables:

You already know that greens are good for you. Increase your intake when you are trying to get pregnant.

5. Kefir:

Kefir works just like yogurt. The only difference is that kefir’s good bacteria will not leave your system.

It is therefore more beneficial because it will keep on fighting the pathogens that may be in your gut.

6. Nettles Tea:

This type of tea can help your body produce more blood and strengthens your adrenals. You can find this in health food stores.

7. Lacto-Fermented Veggies:

These pertain to cultured vegetables. You may have heard about lacto-fermentation, which produces kimchee, dill pickles, and the like.

Eat these goodies to increase your chances of getting pregnant next month.

8. Liver:

Adding liver to your diet can help you get pregnant. Make sure that the liver you eat comes from an animal that is grass-fed and not grain-fed. Consume liver at least once a month, which is actually more nutritious than eating red meat every day.

9. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea:

Instead of drinking sweetened juices, opt for red raspberry leaf tea, which is a uterine tonic. You can also drink this while pregnant.

10. Salmon:

This fish is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential to women, both wanting to get pregnant and those carrying a child.

By knowing the foods that you need to eat to conceive, you can successfully plan your diet. This way, you can incorporate these healthy foods into your other techniques that support conception.

Migraine triggers caused by certain foods

There is no mistaking if you are having a migraine. The excruciating, throbbing head pain usually occurring on one side, extreme sensitivity to light, touch, sounds or smells, blurred vision along with nausea or vomiting can go on for hours.

The draining experience of one can be so exhausting that after the migraine has passed, a person may suffer from a “migraine hangover.”

There are several medications that if taken once a person notices a migraine gearing up, that can halt the severe headache in its tracks.

What sets off a migraine headache is usually referred to as a trigger – triggers can be anything that sets into motion of why a migraine develops. What may be a migraine trigger for one person can be different for someone else.

Triggers are like a risk factor and there can be several factors that start a migraine attack.

Keeping a migraine diary can be useful for spotting patterns in what may be triggering a migraine. In which by dtermining the cause of migraines can be helpful for reducing the number and severity of them.

Even though there is no universal triggers of what exactly causes a migraine, common ones can include lifestyle, environmental, weather-related, hormonal, and medications.

One other trigger that has been suggested to be migraine triggers in up to 30 percent of people is specific foods.

Food triggers can differ from one person to the next and some food may become triggers only when combined with other triggers.

Here are some common foods that have been known to possibly be one part of the problem for with people who have migraines:

  • Caffeine

People who are sensitive to caffeine may be prone to developing a migraine after drinking coffee, black tea, green tea, cola soft drinks, or other caffeinated beverages.

But for some people caffeine can actually help stop a migraine from getting worse which is one of the reasons why many over-the-counter medications contain the substance.

If you believe caffeine could be a culprit, avoid it.

  • Alcohol

For those who find alcohol to be a trigger for migraines, may need to become more of a teetotaler.

Beer, wine, sherry, and vermouth contain large amounts of tyramine, one of the most powerful migraine triggers around.

Alcohol can also cause dehydration which is another major cause of migraines.

  • Cheese

If you love cheese but hate your migraines, guess which one has got to go. Some migraine victims will find that the more aged the cheese, the worse their migraine is due to the high tyramine content they contain.

Tyramine is a natural compound that forms in protein-rish foods as they age.

Aged cheeses that could be triggering migraines include blue cheese, brie, cheddar, feta, mozzarella, Muenster, parmesan, and Swiss.

Other cheeses that might not have the same migraine-triggering effect include cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, cream cheese, and American cheeses.

Unfortunately, yogurt, including frozen yogurt, sour cream, and buttermilk are also potential migraine triggers.

  • Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits and their juices, as well as bananas and raisins may also need to be avoided. Dried fruit that is preserved with sulfites can also get a migraine going.

  • Aspartame

This artificial sweetener can result in migraines for some people. Many diet beverages along with light yogurts, sugar-free candies, low-calorie desserts, and other foods may contain aspartame which is also known as NutraSweet and Equal. Read the ingredient labels and avoid foods that contain it if aspartame is a migraine trigger.

  • Certain food additives

Chemicals added to food to enhance their flavor or help them stay fresh longer may bring on a headache. These can include the following:

  1. Nitrates and nitrites – These chemicals are preservatives often used for flavoring common foods may also be a migraine trigger for some people. Hot dogs, deli meats, sausage, beef jerky, corned beef, and pepperoni all contain nitrates and nitrites. Other food sources can include foods that have been cured, smoked, pickled, or canned. To stay safe, look for nitrite-free varieties of these items at the grocery store and avoid them when possible.
  • MSG (monosodium glutamate) – The main ingredient in soy sauce and meat tenderizer, MSG can spark a migraine within 20 minutes for some people. It’s sometimes listed on packaged foods as “all natural preservatives” or “hydrolyzed protein.”
  • Aspartame – It’s unclear how this artificial sweetener, which is 150 times sweeter than sugar, causes headaches. More research is needed. If you consume foods artificially sweetened with aspartame and develop migraines, try avoiding them to see if your headaches are reduced.

Another trigger theory is that histamines – most often related to allergies – may result in a migraine. Foods rich in histamines include nuts, aged cheese, red wine, pickled foods, and smoked meats like salami.

The theory is that the enzyme needed to break down histamine is low or absent in some people who get migraines. Some research suggests that vitamins C and B6 may increase the ability of the enzyme to break down histamine, potentially decreasing the risk for a migraine.

Whether a food or cluster of foods could be causing migraines for those who suffer from them remains to be seen. But for anyone who keeps a migraine diary and who discovers a pattern that is associated with their food choices, should discuss this with their physician for further advice.

Steps for holding off migraines

Here are some steps to try to help save off a migraine after you eat:

  1. Choose healthier foods – Eat as much wholesome, fresh food, like fruits and vegetables as you can.
  2. Eat more “mini meals” – Instead of three large meals during the day, opt for 5-6 small ones. This will present you from getting a headache due to hunger.
  3. Drink plenty of water – To stay hydrated, sip at least eight glasses of water each day.
  4. Keep a ‘headache diary” – Track the foods you eat each day and the time you eat them. If one is a trigger, the headache will likely hit 12-24 hours afterward.
  5. Manage your stress – Feeling tense and worried may be enough to make your head throb. Regular exercise can give you a sense of control of your feelings. It can also help you lose extra pounds or stay at a healthy weight.
  6. Go slow when trying to identify food triggers – Don’t cut everything out that might cause a headache at once. That will only make it harder to figure out which ones really do affect you. Instead, cut out one potential food trigger at a time. Keep track of how you feel over the next month. This can help you decide whether the food in questions is a problem or if you can safely start eating it again.

Alert: Smoking Causes Wrinkles!

If you’re a smoker, there are simply so many risks involved. One of the less serious ones is the development of what’s called smoker’s wrinkles. While just cosmetic in nature, having these vertical lines above the lips can have a considerable impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence.

If you’re a smoker, there are simply so many risks involved. One of the less serious ones is the development of what’s called smoker’s wrinkles. While just cosmetic in nature, having these vertical lines above the lips can have a considerable impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Just like so many other types of wrinkles that can form on your face, there are a variety of treatments available these days for smoker’s wrinkles, and the injection of the likes of botox and fillers are some of the most popular ones.

But then there are also a variety of home remedies for smoker’s wrinkles, and they are perfect for individuals who are not comfortable with the thought of being poked by needles. Since there are tons of terrifying stories about wrinkle treatments on the internet, many women prefer to deal with wrinkles all-naturally.

If you are not happy with the presence of smoker’s wrinkles, read on. The following are some of the things that you may try at home to get rid of those unsightly lines:

1. Quit Smoking

The very first step that any smoker who has smoker’s wrinkles has to do is ditch cigarette smoking. Toxins in cigarette smoke accelerate the disintegration of collagen, which then makes it very easy for wrinkles to appear. But other than keeping smoker’s wrinkles from worsening, quitting smoking also lets you enjoy so many health perks.

2. Hydrate

It’s also very important for you to keep your body hydrated in order to have your skin moisturized from the inside out. With sufficient moisture, those smoker’s wrinkles become less noticeable. And if you just quit smoking, proper hydration assists in the removal of all the poisonous substances cigarettes have caused to accumulate in your body.

3. Apply Coconut Oil

Other than hydrating from within, hydrating outside is also a must to keep moisture locked in. One of the best ways to do this is by regularly massaging a thin layer of coconut oil on that space between your nose and lips. Make it a habit to apply a little coconut oil on those smoker’s wrinkles just before you hit the hay.

4. Try Aloe Vera Gel

Many women swear by the effectiveness of aloe vera gel in zapping smoker’s wrinkles as well as any other type of wrinkle on the face. Aloe vera gel is loaded with vitamin E that helps repair and protect damaged areas of the skin. Allow aloe vera gel to remain in place for about 15 to 20 minutes before thoroughly rinsing it off with water.

5. Lemon or Papaya Juice

Earlier, it was mentioned that smoking causes collagen to deteriorate. Well, you can encourage your body to produce more collagen with the regular application of either lemon or papaya juice on smoker’s wrinkles — their vitamin C content is a precursor to collagen. Don’t forget to include vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet, too!

6. Exfoliate

About once or twice a week, it’s a good idea to exfoliate to remove excess dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new ones. A very easy exfoliating agent that you may whip up at home involves mixing 2 parts brown sugar and 1 part olive oil. Gently massage it on those smoker’s wrinkles for about a couple of minutes before washing your face.

7. Protect From the Sun

It’s a must for you to also shield your face from the sun if you want to keep smoker’s wrinkles from worsening. You see, the sun gives off UV rays can cause the destruction of collagen, and that’s why it is commonly blamed for the appearance of premature wrinkles. Buy and apply a high quality sunscreen with an SPF of not less than 15.

Things That Happen On Your Vagina After Give Birth!

9 months pregnancy is already difficult as ever, why women should have another concern about their body after labor?

Well, Don’t get scare but start to increase your awareness regarding this new things.

1. Your vagina can feel looser

After pushing out something the size of a watermelon, it’s normal for a woman’s pelvic floor muscles to relax and lose a little tone. That can make the vagina feel looser, especially in the first year after delivery.

How much roomier your vagina will feel depends on many factors, including how long you were in labor and how big yournewborn was. (This is one change women who deliver via C-section are unlikely to experience, since the baby didn’t exit through the vagina.)

If the looseness bothers you, you can take steps to tighten things up.

Doing Kegel exercises regularly can help you go back to feeling pretty normal over time.

Maintaining a healthy weight and taking care of your health overall will also help your vagina return to its usual size and feel.

2. It might go dry

Vaginal dryness is one of the most common complaints from new moms who are nursing.

Breastfeeding causes estrogen levels to plunge, and the lack of estrogen can leave some women feeling like the Sahara down below.

Since it’s tied to breastfeeding, vaginal dryness is typically a temporary thing. Usually as soon as you stop nursing and resume your period, your estrogen levels boost up, you’re ovulating again, and things tend to get back to normal.

So if you’re ready to resume having sex again but dryness is making things difficult, it’s time to hit the lubricant aisle of your local pharmacy.

If lube doesn’t help you get back in the groove, ask your gynecologist for a prescription estrogen vaginal cream.

3. It can feel pretty sore

Delivering a baby can be so rough on the vagina, the surrounding tissue can tear. Tears are typically sewn up with dissolvable stitches immediately after the baby comes out. But actually recovering from the pain and trauma may take some time, especially if the tear involves not just skin but muscle as well.

To be add, the doctors might encourage women to sit in a warm tub or a sit in bath to help keep swelling and pain down.

4. The color could change

Don’t be alarmed if your vulva—the area just outside the vaginal canal that includes the labia, clitoris, and the perineum (the skin between the vagina and rectum)—changes shades after delivery.

“These areas are subject to pigment changes not only due to hormone changes during pregnancy, but also because of scarring or tearing [surgical] repairs after childbirth,”

Generally speaking, the color gets darker. Unless something looks scary like a dark mole you’d be alarmed by anywhere else on your body, there’s no need for concern.

Color changes that are hormone-driven can affect women who have had C-sections too.

Whether they happen after a vaginal delivery or Ceasarean, they may fade over time, but they usually don’t go away for good.

5. You’ll have bloody discharge

A story about vaginal changes wouldn’t be complete without mentioning discharge, right? Whether you have a C-section or deliver vaginally, the vagina will excrete something from the uterus called lochia, a combination of blood, mucus, and fluid.

“Lochia will change color and consistency as the weeks go on and usually by six weeks post-partum, it’s finished.”

There’s no reason to be alarmed by lochia unless it’s accompanied by a foul odor, pain, or itching.

Based on research, once you start ovulating again and your period resumes, you’ll start seeing your usual day-to-day discharge.

What Are The Benefits Of IV Vitamin C In Cancer?

The benefits of iv vitamin c in cancer are clearly stated in close to 3,000 published articles on PubMed.

The fact that a natural therapy has such a significant level of evidence to support its use is surprising to a lot of people—physicians included.

In fact, when you look at the evidence of the benefits of IV vitamin C in cancer, the volume actually dwarfs much of the research that pushes many prescriptions drugs to market today.

The published evidence for the benefit of IV vitamin C in the treatment of cancer includes:

  • Improved Quality of Life
  • Increased overall survival
  • Reduction in pain
  • Increased energy
  • Increased appetite
  • Decreased cancer-associated inflammation
  • Prevents cancer-associated sepsis
  • Combats infections (viral, bacterial, fungi)
  • Reduces side effects and toxicity of chemotherapy
  • Reduces side effects and toxicity of radiation
  • Augments the cancer kill rate of chemotherapy
  • Augments the cancer kill rate of radiation
  • Reduces cancer angiogenesis
  • Kills cancer cells
  • Allows a decrease in dose of chemotherapy, yet maintains the same cancer kill rate
  • Improves surgery recovery time
  • Reduces post-surgery pain
  • May even decrease post-surgery cancer recurrence
  • Kills Cancer Stem Cells (CSC)

All of these benefits of IV Vitamin C and it is non-toxic to healthy cells.

Compare and contrast vitamin C with many of the latest wonder drugs approved by the FDA only to be pulled from the market due to danger to the general public. The graveyard of FDA approved drugs is long and includes the blockbuster drugs Zelnorm, Vioxx, Propulsid, and Rezulin to name a few.

These drugs were pulled secondary to side effects including heart arrhythmias, liver failure, heart attacks, sudden cardiac failures, and strokes. In total, approximately 30,000 reported deaths were linked to these 4 drugs alone.

What about the unreported deaths?

In fact, prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. causing an estimated 128,000 deaths annually. Combine the number of deaths reported from Europe by the European Commission and that number rises to over 300,000 deaths annually.

And what of Vitamin C?

Vitamin C will never be pulled from the market because of safety reasons.

Intravenous vitamin C has repeatedly been shown to be safe at therapeutic dosing as high as 300 grams IV daily in patients with sepsis.

One death in 1979 was reported from tumor lysis syndrome after the initiation of high dose vitamin C. Tumor lysis syndrome is secondary to massive cancer cell death that results in a massive inflammatory reaction.

Tumor Lysis Syndrome can be found in any therapy that kills cancer cells i.e. chemotherapy.

How does this compare to your average approved drug, chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical treatment for cancer?

Is vitamin C safe? Check.

Is vitamin C effective? Check.

Is there evidence to support the safe and effective use of IV vitamin C in the treatment of cancer? Check times 2,746 articles and thousands upon thousands of patient cases.

The safety, the increased quality of life and the increased overall survival alone are all reasons for people battling cancer should receive IV vitamin C.

Though it should be primary, the anti-cancer effects of vitamin C are simply icing on the cake.

Any therapy that is safe, improves outcome, reduces side effects, and kills cancer cells should be an absolute must!

What Actually Makes People’s Blood Type as an Individual in Daily Life?

What makes Blood Type AB an individual?

Found in less than 5% of the population, AB is a rare blood type. Formed as a result of the intermingling of Type A and B. Blood Type AB is advised to enjoy a diet with balance of lean protein, organic vegetables and grins. Blood Type AB’s health challenges focus on autoimmune diseases and age-related cognitive issues.

Following the Blood Type AB lifestyles tips such as routinely engaging in both vigorous and calming exercises to burn off excessive adrenaline, helps to bring the mind and body into focus.

Diet Profile:

Mixed Diet: Lamb, Fish, Dairy, Tofu, Beans, Legumes, Grains, Vegetables, Fruit

Weight Loss Key:
Avoid: Chicken, Corn, Kidney Beans, Buckwheat
Beneficial: Tofu, Seafood Greens, Kelp

Exercise Regimen: Calming, centering exercises such as yoga combined with moderate exercise like cycling and tennis.

What makes Blood Type A an individual?

Blood Type A thrives on a vegetarian diet with some wild caught fish. If you are accustomed to eat meat, you will lose weight and feel energized after eliminating the toxic food from your diet.

Blood Type A’s have naturally high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which makes stress reduction an essential part of the Blood Type A lifestyle.

Incorporating calming exercises, such as yoga or tai-chi, into your daily routine increases feelings of well-being and reduces Blood Type A’s predisposition to cardiovascular disease and other stress-related conditions.

Diet Profile:
Largely vegetarian, Vegetables, Tofu, Seafood, Grains, Legumes, Fruit, Turkey

Weight Loss Key:
Avoid: Meat, Dairy, Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, Wheat
Beneficial: Olive Oil, Soy, Seafood, Vegetables, and Pineapple

Exercise Regimen: Calming, centering exercise such as yoga and tai-chi

What makes Blood Type O an individual?

The O blood type appears to have been the first human success strategy. The genetic traits associated with Type O blood include exceptional strength, a lean physique, and a productive mind.

When you adopt the Blood Type O diet and lifestyle, you have the opportunity to reap the benefits of your heritage and avoid common Blood Type O health issues including insulin resistance, sluggish thyroid and inflammatory conditions. In addition, to eat right, regular vigorous exercise helps Blood Type O’s to maintain a healthy weight and manage stress.

Blood Type O Diet Profile:
High Protein, Meat, Fish, Vegetables, Fruit, Limited Grains, Beans, Legumes.

Blood Type O Weight Loss Key:
Avoid- Wheat, Corn, Lentils, Kidney Beans, Dairy

Beneficial: Kelp, Seafood, Red Meat, Kale Spinach, Broccoli and Olive Oil.

Blood Type O Exercise Regimen: Intense physical exercise such as aerobics, running and martial arts.

Alright, what makes Blood Type B an individual?

Blood Type B individual thrive on balance in all aspects of life. From a balanced diet composed of organic meats, dairy and vegetables to a healthy routine that includes both high energy and relaxation based exercise.

Type B’s will find optimal health by maintaining their equilibrium.

Blood Type B Diet Profile:
Balanced omnivores: Meat, Dairy, Grains, Fruit, Vegetables, Fish, Seafood, Select beans, Legumes.

Blood Type B Weight Loss Key:
Avoid: Chicken, Corn, Lentils, Peanuts, Wheat

Beneficial: Greens, Eggs, Venison, Liver and Licorice Tea.

Blood Type B Exercise Regimen:
Moderate physical exercise with a mental component, such as hiking, cycling, tennis and swimming.

Pap Test – Important!

The Best Time for Pap Test:

  • Two weeks after monthly period or period
  • If you haven’t had sex for 34 days before procreate
  • And if you don’t put anything in your vagina, such as foam or medicine for two days (48 hours)

Thus, all women need to have a pap test that they start having sex (intercourse) once in a year and they need to pursue it up to age of 70.

The damage of cancer to the cervix is rising while getting older. When over 50 years old is still needed a pap test. If you are experiencing sex, even if you don’t have sex, even if you have menopause (no more bleeding from monthly periods) and even if you have hysterectomy.

Science Dictionary
Pap Test: Papanicolacu test is a method of cervical screening used to detect potentially precancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix.
Hysterectomy: A surgical operation to remove all or part of the uterus.

Pesanan Buat Lelaki Di Luar Sana!

Kalau kau pilih wanita yang punya karier sendiri, jadj kau kena akur bahawa dia tak boleh uruskan rumahtangga sepenuh masa.

Kalau kau pilih wanita tanpa kerjaya sebagai suri hatimu, jangan merungut jika segala perbelanjaan dan komitmen rumahtangga tergalas atas bahumu.

Kalau kau pilih wanita yang tidak berdikari, kau kena tahu bahawa dia akan bergantung kepadamu.

Kalau kau pilih wanita yang berani dan lantang bersuara, kau jangan marah jika dia keras kepala dan berani berdebat denganmu.

Kalau kau pilih wanita yang cantik bergaya, kau kena terina yang dirinya high maintainance. Perlu belanja yang besar untuk kekalkan kecantikannya.

Kalau kau pilih wanita yang berpendidikan tinggi, kau jangan terkejut kalau dia tegas dengan pendiriannya.

Siapa pon wanita yang kau pilih, dia adalah tulang rusukmu yang akan setia dalam susah dan senangmu.

Maka hargailah mereka selayaknya bidadari duniamu.

Jangan lupa like dan share post ni dengan kawan-kawan lelaki anda dan pada pasangan anda juga

Thing You Must Know – The Benefits of Five Elements Theory of Cooking!

We are surrounded by 5 energy fields or 5 different kinds of “chi” (氣). These are also called the “5 elements” and they play an important role in the way people eat.

The five elements are Metal (White), Wood (Green), Water (Black), Fire (Red), and Earth (Yellow).

Benefits for Each Organs:

Red: Heart, Small Intestine, and Brain.

Green: Liver, Gallbladder, Eyes, Muscle, and Joints.

Yellow: Digestive System and Spleen

White: Lung, Nose and Respiratory System, and Skin.

Black: Kidneys, Bones, Ears, and Reproductive Organs.

Ingredients for Each Color:

Red: Tomato, Strawberry, Chilli, Red bell pepper, Goji berry and more.

Green: Avocado, Fresh herbs, Mung Beans, and all kinds of Green Vegetables.

Yellow: Egg Yolks, Soybeans, Cheese, Lemon, Walnuts, Honey and more.

White: Onion, Milk, Tofu, White Sesame and more.

Black: Black sesame, Black Bean, Shiitake Mushrooms, Eggplants, Blueberry and more.