Pap Test – Important!

The Best Time for Pap Test:

  • Two weeks after monthly period or period
  • If you haven’t had sex for 34 days before procreate
  • And if you don’t put anything in your vagina, such as foam or medicine for two days (48 hours)

Thus, all women need to have a pap test that they start having sex (intercourse) once in a year and they need to pursue it up to age of 70.

The damage of cancer to the cervix is rising while getting older. When over 50 years old is still needed a pap test. If you are experiencing sex, even if you don’t have sex, even if you have menopause (no more bleeding from monthly periods) and even if you have hysterectomy.

Science Dictionary
Pap Test: Papanicolacu test is a method of cervical screening used to detect potentially precancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix.
Hysterectomy: A surgical operation to remove all or part of the uterus.

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