Make Your Own Natural Organic Homemade Soap

Let’s learn new things, on How to make soap from me who recently has a bit passion to make organic homemade soap.

Yes, it is very natural homemade soap which the process is quite simple, versatile and if I can do this, I bet my readers can do it much better than me!

Homemade soap really catch my attention after I found out that it do bring benefits on me and if I have nothing to do during my free time at home, I can make a few of them and sell it among my close friends.
Most of friends always ask me how to make this soap, thus, I have decide to create this new post and write one for my readers too.

My First Making of Homemade Soap
Before that, let me give you some stories on behind my first experience / batch of homemade soap. During my first attempt in making soap, it do turned out great but on my next and next trial, it was dismal failure. I was not very sure the causes of it. I keep questioning myself, what did I do wrong?
Honestly, I have no knowledge on this stuff. My mother suggested to me this one class which it is quite far from my home area but I was glad the price for a class do worth of my money, time and knowledge that I gained from there. I stick to the “no pain no gain”.

I had attended the class, the instructor was very nice towards the students, plus I felt proud to see the oldies people on the age range, 40 – 70 years old willing to come and attend the class too. Nevertheless, I am the youngest among all of the students.
After that particular class ended, I came back home with new spirit. I collected all of the ingredients and started to make the new fresh homemade soap by my own.

How to Make Soap?
Tell you what, making soap can turn out tobe simple and complicated, it is all depends on your hands. You may make it complicated as much as your complicated life too. But, do you know the beauty of learning how to make soap is? You can make your own soap with the ingredients that you choose and any fragrance that you prefer or like. Plus, the adjustments are not that hard either. You only need some practices over them because, “practice makes perfect”.

Most homemade soap recipes do use the ounces or grams and I used ounce. Not to forget, the ingredients must properly weighted to get the accurate result. In addition, you may use the cups according to its correct portion. I think it much easier for some people out there and no worries, you may still receive the same result time after time too.

Why Lye in Homemade Soap?
Lye is always the ‘must have’ thing in making the homemade soap and nothing can substitute over lye. Thus, you want it or not, you must use lye and make sure it is 100% sodium hydroxide (to make hard soap bar), potassium hydroxide (to make liquid soap) and it may be on the lye in the crystal form.

Quick reminder; don’t substitute with liquid lye or drain cleaners as it may cause some unnecessary things such inaccurate measurements or it may have bits of metal too in them. You refuse that to happen either.

You need to be aware on dangerous of lye, lye is caustic. Wear glove when you are making one, because it may burns on your skin and not to forget how powerful it is as it can eat holes in fabric too. Thus, you need to be extra careful. At least wear glove and eye protection, and a mask if it is do required.

When you mix lye with water, it will heat up and fume for about 30 seconds up to 1 minute. Not just that, it may cause uncomfortable sensation on your throat but don’t worry, it won’t last long either.

PRECAUTION: don’t mix it by pour water into lye, but instead, mix pour the lye into water. If not, it might become more reactive and explosive, you may harm yourself.

And, start to stir it right away too. If you do allowed lye to clump on the bottom, it might suddenly heat up and cause an explosion at once.

However, don’t worry, although lye is caustic and dangerous to work with but after it already reacts with the oils in the soap, which undergoes saponification process. There will be no left lye that will remain in your finished homemade soap.
However, if you refuse to use lye and you think it is for good sake for the children who want to join making the homemade soap altogether, I think you do have another alternative. Try check this out, can I make homemade soap without using lye?

Equipment for Making Homemade Soap
When comes to make this homemade soap, try to avoid from using the kitchen equipment using for the cooking. Although you said, “It will turn out okay because I will make sure the equipment clean and safe to be use too”… Don’t take a risk! It is best to not take those chances.

The good choices such as; stainless steel, tempered glass, enamel, they are all good to go for mixing bowl, but don’t use copper or aluminium as they might react with your lye and all plastic are prefer not to use either as it may melt.

The Additives that Can Be Use in Homemade Soap
Literally almost every additives that can be used in making one, but let me tell you the basic of them:

  • Herbs

It doesn’t matter what kind of herbs you used but ensure all the herbs are dried. Lavender is a good choice, because it popular, as well as chamomile. But my preference goes to lemongrass. You may use this by ¼ cup of dried plant material per batch.

  • Essential oils

It come from plants. They come from the roots, stem, flowers or seeds. Plus, fragrance oils can be blends together with essential oil as they can also artificially produced too. Just ensure you know on how drop you going to use. Most oils can be used at the rate of 15-20 drops / teaspoon per batch size.

  • Colour

Using the natural colour is much better and you may get the colour anywhere. Example, to get brown colour for soap, you may use cinnamon or cocoa powder, use chlorophyll for green colour soap, turmeric for yellow colour and beetroot for orange.

However, you must alert that sometimes the colour ingredient might change its colour on the end of the colour result and it can be seen through magenta beet powder that running yellowish orange. Someone do ask me if food colour can be used in colouring their soap. My answer will be, sorry, but I prefer you avoid from using them – food colour since they don’t dwell in soap. But no worries, you may still check out other way to colour you soap beautifully and by naturally.

Step By Step

  • Measure your water
  • Measure your lye
  • Slowly pour lye into water
  • Mix / Stir them well (it will heat up and warm) – until the water turned to clear.
  • Allow the mixture rest for a while
  • While waiting for that, prepare three oils – Olive oil, Coconut oil and Palm Oil.
  • Pour those 3 types of oils into the mixture.
  • Check the temperature of them, let it cool down a bit, not to hot, not to cold.
  • Stir a bit, by hand for 5 minutes – very important to make lye be in contact with those oils.
  • Pour into the chosen soap mould
  • Allow it rest again – depends on structure (pour during it still hot can cause your soap structure become coarse and crumbly). STOP resting timing when your soap turn into ‘pudding structure’ – cold and firm
  • Take it out from the mould, cut them into a few pieces.
  • At this point, allow the soap to cure for few weeks – 4 weeks at least, be sure to turn it over frequently to expose them to air equally for all sides.
  • You are done with your own homemade soap!

Well, what are you waiting for? I think it is good start for you to make one for your own good and family benefits. Much better, you sell them to others through social media and neighbours, you might get extra income too.

If you have any suggestions / something to add on / any comments, you may drop one below down. I will read it and allow my readers to read the comments too.
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